Step-by-step setup for the SGT working environment
Install the tools
Git. State of the art in version control:
TortoiseGit. The GUI for Windows DAUs: take the 64bit version.
SVN. The predecessor of Git:
Eclipse IDE for Java Developers:
Get the code
Mkdir locally “Logic” (e.g. C:\Data\Logic) and clone the repository:\\fs7a\home101\home\muedav\GIT_repository\Logik
Mkdir locally “Logic_svn” (e.g. C:\Data\Logic_svn) and checkout the reposity:
Compile & Run
Open Eclipse and load the workspaces NEWSGTEditor and SGTyEditor (the really new one ).
Run sit.gui.SGTEditor and … .
Code style
Do not hesitate to use JUnit!
Patterns are welcome!
Doxygen comments are nice!
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